Category Archives: Computer & Nerdstuff

Worst packaged product ever

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These days I ordered a power meter to check the power consumption of my new server (and to be able to compare it to other devices previously used for those purposes). I chose a brand that is quite well known, the product was one of the most inexpensive though. Product reviews attested good functionality, but complained about the small display,… Read more »

New: EmK Esslingen Podcast

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When listening to Podcasts from Metaebene, sooner or later you will hear about Podlove Publisher. Having used WordPress for podcasting more than 10 years ago (with some podcast plugin I really don’t remember), I was curious, if Podlove would prove, what its enthusiastic creators promised. The idea to offer a podcast for my churches service, or for the sermon to… Read more »

New project: Linux home server in PowerMac housing

My home IT has grown to become a confusing structure of devices and disks, attached to each other and synced and backed up in a crisscross way: Now, for a more straightforward solution I could have just bought a dedicated NAS or even a Home-RAID system, which bring along some apps and possibilities to even access your data on the… Read more »

Raspberry Pi 2 as TimeMachine Backup Server (TimeCapsule)

Based on this blogpost (DE) I set up a TimeMachine Backup Server on a Raspberry Pi 2. The V2 has enough processing power and RAM to serve this purpose well. The guide is well written, though some things need to be changed to make it work and run stable: 1) Use ext4 as filesystem for the backup disk. Sure you can install… Read more »