As mentioned before, I recently bought a Powerbook G3 for about 20 bucks on eBay, its a “Bronze Keyboard” model, also known as “Lombard”. It appeared, that it was nearly in perfect working order, after I plugged in a hard disk with already installed OS X 10.3.9 Panther system on it. Every second boot the screen stays black – which… Read more »
A very personal view on Star Trek Beyond If you grew up with the original series, the new Star Trek movies are something you need getting used to. All these characters I knew for decades, looking, acting and speaking so differently alienates me. If they need to make these new movies so zeitgeisty, why not coming up with a whole… Read more »
Letztes Wochenende war ich mal wieder in Berlin. Berlin, Heimat der IT Gurus, Brutstätte zahlloser Start-Ups, alles größer, alles besser. Wirklich? Nun, auf der Suche nach einem funktionierenden WLAN ist es nicht besser als hier „in der Provinz“. Ich sitze also in einem Berliner Cafe und möchte das WLAN nutzen. Ich frage also nach dem Passwort und werde darauf hingewiesen, dass ich kein… Read more »
The PowerBook G3 Pismo was my first Mac, and I received it as a gift (used, but in good condition) … must have been around 2005. Apple products first caught my attention in 2002, when the original iPod appeared in german stores – Media Markt sold it at this time, along with the G4 iMac („iLamp“). I remember standing in… Read more »
Sometimes the own ancestry is not the most pleasureful affair. Just think of Luke, being confronted with the revelation of Darth Vader, claiming to be his father. After the release of Star Wars 7, a lot of Star Wars talk has spooked around in podcasts and on Twitter and so on. So, when giving my aged Sony Ericsson MBW-200 a charge –… Read more »
Seit über einem Jahr nutze ich eine Multicard von O2 über den Anbieter Simplytel – mit dem ich eigentlich im Großen und Ganzen recht zufrieden bin. Aber wehe, wenn man hierzulande mal ein Service-Anliegen hat… Zunächst: Multicard bedeutet, dass ich mehrere SIM-Karten habe, mit welchen ich mehrere Telefone mit der selben Telefonnummer nutzen kann. Ich spare mir damit das lästige… Read more »
After about 5 months of low usage of my Beats Solo2 Wireless, the sound on the left earpiece sometimes died away or had complete dropouts. I called the Beats support and, of course ended up with the Apple support, as Beats belongs to Apple for some time now. First thing they instructed me to do was a reset of the headphones…. Read more »
Funny or sad, what once was a high end machine today often sits in a corner and collects dust. Likewise my beautiful Power Mac G4 Quicksilver, which was build around 2002. In my opinion, this was the gilded age of Apples design. Not alone by means of the look, but also in terms of usability. The accompanying Apple Cinema Display uses one single… Read more »
Networking For networking I installed Samba and Netatalk. For the latter I recommend to not install it from the Ubuntu package sources, as they still only contain version 2. Netatalk 3 is so much easier to set up, as it uses only one config file. You can easily compile and install it from source by following this guide. I used the… Read more »
An Ostern entdeckt, und dann leider versammelt, es rechtzeitig zu verbloggen: Das Esslinger Stadtgärtle. Nun ist der auf dem Schild erwähnte Termin schon verstrichen, ich selbst war am Samstag leider krank und konnte nicht hin. Auf der Homepage der Aktion „Transition Town Esslingen“ steht auch noch kein neuer Termin, aber man kann ja auch selbst mal dort vorbeischauen. Das Stadtgärtle… Read more »